Dec 2, 2010

It's not Christmas morning, go back to bed!

My sweet, precious, darling children woke me up at 4:30 am this morning.  You know how when you're sleeping, and suddenly you're awake because someone is staring at you?  *Both* of them were on my side of the bed this morning bug-eyed, tight lipped and staring straight at me.

I felt them staring at me. 
I felt it through all the snoring and wild dreams. 
It scared the hell out of me. 
I didn't hear them.
They were both so quiet.

Until I opened my eye.

Being startled awake at 4:30 am is NOT my ideal way of waking up.  As it was already, I had to set my alarm clock early, I had to shave my legs, gah!

The second I opened one eye they both busted out laughing.  They had been standing there trying desperately to be as quiet as possible and it was KILLING them.

I jumped out of bed and pushed them down the hallway to their bedroom as I cursed under my breath.  I firmly whispered "You boys are *lucky* you didn't wake your father up!  Get back in bed and DO NOT get out of this bed until I come get you!"

When I got back in bed I laid there and tryed with everything I had to go back to sleep but I couldn't help cracking up myself.  I mean think about it.  It's 4:30 in the morning, you and your brother are standing in the pitch black, staring at your mom, listening to her snore and you're trying as hard as you can not to make a sound.  Everytime I thought about it I laughed harder, because I know the real reason they were up so early.

It's not their fault mommy and daddy made them go to bed, lights out, tv off "dont come out of this room unless there is a true emergency or you're bleeding so help me, good night!" at 8 pm.

That will be the LAST time I forget to tell him Happy Anniversary!

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